Nehemiah Conyers
Nehemiah Empowerment Group Ministries, Inc. is a non-denominational church located in Conyers, Georgia, a suburb east of Atlanta. The Word of God instructs us to Go ye therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always even to the end of the age. (Matt. 28:19-20) Our mission at Nehemiah Empowerment Group Ministries is to fulfill the great commission that God has assigned to us. Rebuild Reclaim and Restore.
Pastor's Notes

Heaven's Bouquet: Planted and Picked by God
When someone loses a loved one, sadness, bitterness, confusion, and frustration are common emotions. Dealing with the loss can often take a toll on the living because we are left behind with only memories. Death, the final stage in our journey of life is inevitable, yet we still fear this final step. However, with God's guidance and understanding we can come to terms with our loss and ultimately accept it because there is no other alternative. We are all like flowers-we start from a seed, and with proper care and nurturing we grow to become a beautiful flower. Everything under the sun has a season; a flower is here for a short time, and after it has served its purpose, it passes away just as people do. Thus, we are like a flower, we are born, we blossom, and then we die. ( Order @ Amazon.com & Esquire Publications)
About the Author
Pastor Anthony Smith is a former Georgia State police officer and gifted Motivational speaker and youth mentor. He now serves as Sr. Pastor at Nehemiah Empowerment Group Ministries, Inc. in Conyers, Georgia. He believes in maximizing your Spiritual Potential in God.